

Guitar Cult and Seattle Guitar Circle

Royal Room, Seattle | Thursday, September 21

(Poster by Mike Strassburger)

Guitar Cult’s triumphant return. Come experience the heightened trance experience of Ben McAllister’s guitar group music, featuring the recent addition of the drummer Neil Wilson.

The guitarists among you will likely that the Seattle Guitar Circle was born from the Guitar Craft classes founded in the 80s by King Crimson’s Robert Fripp. Many paths have led these players (some you’ll know from those League of Craft Guitarists albums) to the group you’ll hear on the 21st, with a unique take on group interaction. I saw them at the Chapel last month and they’re cover of Coltrane’s Naima was gorgeous.

Being a cult of music worshippers, we appreciate the mystery in all approaches to the guitar; I feel like the universe is bopping my on the head making this bill possible. See you on the 21st.


Wed, December 12, 2019: The Chapel, Seattle WA

Thurs, October 17, 2019: Vermillion, Seattle WA

Wed, February 27, 2019: Substation, Seattle WA

Sat, March 16, 2019: The Chapel, Seattle WA



Viewed from almost any perspective, the world today suffers from a moral and ethical crisis of epidemic proportions. Beneath society’s rampant crime and drug abuse, corporate greed, political misconduct and international conflict lie the root problems of dishonesty, immorality and not enough guitar.

Entirely nonreligious, Guitar Cult performances and recordings are both unique and powerful, whether in the hands of individuals or nations. Distributed in communities afflicted by boredom, auto-tone, violence, gangs and racism, it has brought calm. Passed out in areas ravaged by simple timbres and excessive 4/4, it has brought peace. Used in thousands of venues (ok 2), its message has restored self-respect among the most hardened audience members, guiding them onto the path to becoming useful and contributing members of society.

Immensely popular since its first performance in 2017, many copies have since been distributed in 12 countries and territories, providing a moral compass for all to live by.

Shared by one friend or associate to another, Guitar Cult performances and recordings fill a moral void in this increasingly immoral society.

The Guitar Cult and its members are pleased to share the tools for happier living with all who share the goal of a better world.